Preparedness is safeness

Why do we need to be prepared in times of Disasters? We need to be prepared in times of Disaster like an Earthquake because we don’t know when a disaster strikes us. When we are not prepared in the times like this, it may lead to injuries and sometimes death. That is why we need to be prepared in this situation. What is an Earthquake? According to, Earthquake is the shaking of the surface of the Earth resulting from a sudden release of energy in the Earth's lithosphere that creates seismic waves. Earthquakes can range in size from those that are so weak that they cannot be felt to those violent enough to propel objects and people into the air and wreak destruction across entire cities. The seismicity, or seismic activity, of an area is the frequency, type, and size of earthquakes experienced over a period of time. The word tremor is also used for non-earthquake seismic rumbling.

The Government gives an Earthquake drill in order to know what things that should be done before, during, and after an Earthquake. Why Participating in earthquake drills is important? According to, Participating in Earthquake Drills Simulates that a real occurrence is required to polish our emergency preparations by running hypothetical simulations. Before we must use it for real, we can assess what works and what does not and adapt accordingly. When we have specialized devices, such as rescue ladders or walkie-talkie radios, in our supplies, drills give us an opportunity to verify that they operate and make sure everybody knows how to use them. We can gain input from other family members, colleagues, or faculty and students in order to develop aspects of your strategy or particular procedures as effectively as possible to fit your circumstances.

The purpose of disaster preparedness is to minimize the effect on vulnerable populations of disasters, to prepare an organization for an influx of activity, and to create a structured strategy to reduce the waste of money, time and effort. Disaster preparedness has the ability to save the greatest number of lives and properties after a disaster, and it helps to return to normalcy as soon as possible for the affected communities. That is why “Preparedness is better than Response”.




