A memorable Quarter, The Fourth Grading
This quarter, my fourth grade, I learnt a lot, not only about the topics covered in our modules, but also about life. I was able to improve my time management skills as a result of the Pandemic, which was the source of the New Normal. I am now able to assist with home duties while addressing my modules. I was able to improve my self-awareness. The Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ) in Vigan City has made fourth grade extremely difficult for us students and instructors. Because our parents are not permitted to pass and retrieve our modules during the third grade, we, the students, and our teachers, rely significantly on the internet to deliver and submit our modules. I have had a number of issues, such as slow internet connection. Because of the MECQ, our lecturers offer us additional time to complete our modules, which is why I am sometimes slow to complete my assignments. I am having trouble with the other subjects because I am havin...